The Library menu is where you store information that you use again, such as:
• standard parts of outlines,
• objects on the master page of bullet charts,
• rule sets from outlines, bullet charts, and/or tree charts,
• graphics from any drawing program or those provided with MORE.
When you want to reuse information stored in a library, you just choose it from a Library menu. The Library menu has the following commands and sections:
New Library Creates a new library file. You can have any number of Library files, but only one can be open at a time.
Open Library Opens an existing library file. When you first use MORE, it automatically opens the MORE ^II ™ Library file.
Close Library Closes the currently open library file so that you can open another one.
Outlines Where you store frequently used outlines or suboutlines, like a weekly project report, daily phone summary, and so on. Install Template places the selected suboutline in the Library. Remove Template erases an outline template from the Library.
Objects Where you store selected objects from the master page of a bullet chart. Use Install Objects or Remove Objects to install or remove objects from the Library.
Rules Where you store the rule sets attached to any headline, any object in a tree chart or bullet chart, or in the list box of the rules window. The Rules section of the Library lets you save the basic formats and styles of your information to be used over and over again. Use Install Rule Set or Remove Rule Set to install or remove a rule set from the Library.
Graphics Where you store paint, draw, or PostScript graphics that were created in another application. You can also store graphics that you create in a bullet chart. Use Install Graphic or Remove Graphic to install or remove a graphic from the Library.
Use the Mover Utility on the Utilities Disk when you want to give a few items in the Library to another user.